• Bais Medresh East Fifth
    Building Campaign

  • Bais Medresh East Fifth

    Help Us Reach Our Goal Of $500,000

  • Bais Medresh East Fifth

    All Donations Doubled

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Nestled deep in the East 5th Street neighborhood, a small single-family house sits unassumingly on a plot of land. Unbeknownst to the onlooker, a hub of activity takes place daily within these humble walls. This modest abode serves as the home to Bais Medrash D’East Fifth Street.

It all began a mere couple of years ago when the area east of Park Avenue underwent a complete transformation. Houses were being erected by the dozen and the frum oilam began relocating to that side of town. With the influx of yeshivaleit, the need for a proper shul became apparent. The shuls in the neighboring communities were already filled to capacity and the new families in the area were forced to walk long distances to daven and learn on Shabbos.

Thus, a group of 30 dedicated individuals joined together to fill the void. They worked tirelessly, collecting money and donating on their own to purchase an old house in which to begin their shul.Once the house was bought and the minyan began, an additional 20 families joined the previous 30. The minyan continued to expand and within a short time the membership swelled to 70 members.

The necessity for a proper building for the shul was recognized by all.

As the community continued to burgeon, the membership increased, yet the dimensions of the shul remained the same. Currently with 80 members, the space is scarce within the small building that houses their shul. Many more families would like to join, yet due to the space constraints it is exceptionally difficult to find seats for additional members.

Bais Medrash D’East Fifth Street consists of more than simply the basic Shabbos minyanim. There are two minyanim for ma’ariv on Friday night and Motzai Shabbos, in addition to daily minyanim that take place in the shul aside from an early morning kollel and a night kollel as well.

A building campaign has been launched and a generous benefactor has taken note of this worthy endeavor; offering to match any donation raised until Pesach up to the amount of $250,000. It is a unique opportunity. It is the catalyst that will allow Bais Medrash D’East Fifth Street to open its doors to the multitudes of people yearning for a proper shul to daven in; to learn in; to raise their children to be true b’nei torah. An opportune way to provide the community with a unified minyan – a mikdash me’at to cater to the spiritual needs of each member of the kehillah.

It’s an opportunity that we don’t want to miss.

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Shul Events

Shul Melava Malka תשע"ח R' Fromowitz Speaking
Shul Melava Malka תשע"ו Reb Yankel Drillman
Shul Melava Malka תשע"ז R' Yona Shuster
Hachnusos Sefer Torah R' Avrohom Gellerman
Hachnusos Sefer Torah R' Eiseckson
Night Seder Rosh Kolell
Hachnasos Sefer Torah R' Yitzchak Hacohen Lan
Chashiva mispalel and neighbor of the shul
Melava Malka תשע"ו R' Pinchos Brode
Melava Malka תשע"ז R' Shurwinter
Rav of Lakewood Commons


Any questions requests or concerns, please, don't hesitate to contact us.

Contact Email


Shul Address

419 East 5th st.
Lakewood NJ 08701

Mail In Donations

Bais Medresh East Fifth
104 Vintage Cir
Lakewood NJ 08701


R' Avrohom Gellerman